If your client or a CounselGO Admin has granted you the relevant file sharing permissions, you can view matter files shared by your client and also share matter files with your client. Matter files are tied to a specific matter to which your firm is assigned in CounselGO. You may receive an email notification when a new matter file is shared directly with you by a client.
NOTE: To ensure data protection, files must be shared by your client with individual users from your firm. If you do not see an expected file, contact your CounselGO Admin or client for help.
Viewing Shared Matter Files
1. Go to Clients from the left-side navigation bar and select the client.
2. Go to Matters from the left and click on the relevant matter.
3. Go to the Files tab.
NOTE: If you do not see this tab, it means that you have not been assigned matter file sharing permissions. Contact your CounselGO Admin or your client directly for help.
4. Click on the Shared With Me tab.
5. To view the file, click on the ... (more) option under the Actions column and select Download.
You will receive email notifications if your client renames the shared file and/or stops sharing it.
Sharing Matter Files
1. Go to Matters from the left-side navigation bar and click on the relevant matter.
2. Click Upload Files from the Shared By Us tab.
3. Drag and drop files, or click Browse Files to select one or more. Click here for supported file types.
REMINDER: Files you upload will be visible to your client in SimpleLegal unless deleted.
4. Click Upload.
Actions for Shared Matter Files
The Shared By Us tab under a matter record in CounselGO includes matter-specific files shared by all CounselGO users from your firm who were granted sharing permissions for the client. All items under this tab can be renamed, deleted, or downloaded by clicking ... (more) under Actions.
NOTE: If you do not see any actions for a specific file, this means that it was recently uploaded and is still going through the CounselGO virus scan. Actions will be available once it is marked as safe.
Uploading New Versions of a Shared File
If you need to upload a new version of a file shared with the customer, it must have the same file name and extension as the previous version.
When uploading the file, you will see a message indicating that previously saved files will be overwritten and replaced with the duplicate file you are currently uploading.
The SimpleLegal customer will be notified that a new version of an existing file is uploaded.
Additional Notes & Considerations
- If you are unassigned the Matter File Sharing role you will no longer have access to matter files shared by the client and will no longer be able to view/share files on behalf of your firm.
- If your firm is deactivated by the client from SimpleLegal or removed from the matter, you will no longer have access to shared matter files or have access to view/share matter files.
- When a matter is closed by the client in SimpleLegal, any files previously shared by the client for that matter will no longer be available under Files > Shared With Me in the matter.
- If a matter file you share does not pass the virus scan in CounselGO, you will be notified via email that it was not uploaded and it will be under the Quarantined tab of the matter.
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