If you have invoices saved in PDF format, you can now convert them into digital format for further editing directly in CounselGO instead of having to manually re-enter all of the data. CounselGO's PDF conversion tool saves significant time by extracting information from the PDF file to auto-populate fields in our manual entry invoice form wherever possible, such as the invoice number, invoice date, subject, description, invoice total amount, and line item details. To get started:
1. Click New Invoice in the top navigation bar of CounselGO.
2. Click Convert PDF to Invoice.
3. Review the modal and click I understand to continue with the conversion tool.
4. Drag and drop your PDF file or click Browse Files to find/select it on your computer.
NOTE: You can only upload/process one file (up to 1GB in size) at a time and only PDF files are supported.
5. Once the file processes, click OK to continue with line item verification.
NOTE: If the tool does not detect any line items to extract, you will receive a message to review the file and try converting it again. Click New Invoice in the top navigation bar to start over.
6. Review each line item for accuracy and for missing details, such as dates, descriptions, expense or activity codes, line item types, and timekeeper name. Update fields as needed.
REMINDER: How much data populates for line items and general invoice information in CounselGO depends on the information in your PDF file and the overall formatting. It is up to you to review the information for accuracy, fix any errors, and fill in any missing details.
- Use the scroll below the line items; scroll right to see additional fields for line items.
- To clear the data for all fields in a line item, click the x icon at the far right of the line item.
- To delete a line item, click the trashcan at the far right of the line item.
- To add more line items, click +Add 5 Rows below the last line item.
- If you need to apply the same change(s) to multiple line items, use the bulk edit option covered in the section below.
7. Once all line items are reviewed, click Save below the table. The following fields are required to move forward with saving line items: Type, Date, Description, Units/Hours, and Cost/Rate.
8. Click OK to confirm that the line items have been added to the manual invoice.
9. Review the general invoice fields and update/fill in as needed (e.g., Invoice Number, Additional Notes/Comments, Invoice Description, Billing Period, etc.) and add any other required files. The original PDF invoice is attached by default.
10. Select the matter and enter the matter ID, if applicable.
11. Re-check or update any line item details, if applicable. If you need to apply the same change(s) to multiple line items, you can use the bulk edit option described in the next section.
12. Click Save Invoice or Submit to Client at the top of the page.
Bulk Edit Line Items
You can bulk edit line items during Step 6 or Step 10 in the section above. Use this option to apply the same change/value to multiple line items at once, such as updating the hourly rate, assigning the same timekeeper, applying the same Activity Code, or changing the line item type.
1. Select boxes at the far left for relevant line items.
2. Click the Bulk Actions button above the table.
3. Fill in or select options for relevant line item fields from the modal. The same changes will be applied to all selected line items.
4. Click Submit when finished.
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