Before submitting non-LEDES invoices, please confirm whether timekeeper upload in CounselGO is required per the client's billing rules and guidelines. We also recommend verifying any matter IDs and/or specific task, activity, or expense codes that are required to submit invoices.
Creating a Non-LEDES Invoice
1. Go to the client's record in CounselGO and click New Invoice in the top navigation bar.
2. Click Create Invoice Manually if you have already confirmed the client's billing guidelines.
3. Enter all required invoice details marked with red asterisks (*): Invoice Number, Invoice Description, Invoice Date, Billing Period, and Currency (entering additional comments is optional). To prevent data loss, we recommend keeping the Invoice Description to 200 characters or fewer.
NOTE: If you are resubmitting a previously rejected invoice, you can link the updated/corrected version to the original invoice. For instructions, click here.
4. Click Upload Files on the right side to attach a PDF version of the invoice and/or any other required documentation. Attachments are automatically scanned for viruses once the invoice is submitted.
5. Scroll down to Select Client Matter and choose the name/ID of the associated matter or select Other if you do not have the matter ID.
NOTE: Selecting Other only applies for clients who allow vendors to invoice against matters that have not already been set up in SimpleLegal. Click here for additional details. If this does not apply and you do not see the expected matter, contact your client directly for assistance.
6. Enter the Firm Matter ID (if applicable).
7. Click +Line Item and fill in required/requested information.
Fields marked with asterisks (*) are required to add the line item:
- Type*: Line item billing type (e.g., hourly fee, expense, flat fee, expense).
- Timekeeper: If applicable, the name of the person who completed the work. This field is required when adding hourly fee line items.
- Date*: Date the billable service/work occurred.
- Description of Services*: Comments/notes about the service or work completed.
- Expense / Activity / Task Code: If applicable, code associated with the type of work/service.
- Units/Hours*: Number of billable hours (e.g., enter '1' for flat fees or fixed costs).
- Rate/Cost*: Hourly rate or flat fee amount.
- Adj: If applicable, any adjustments for the line item.
NOTE: CounselGO auto-calculates the Line Total; it cannot be entered manually. To set a flat fee or fixed cost, enter 1 for Unit and then enter the amount for Cost.
Click here for examples of different line item types for non-LEDES invoices in CounselGO.
8. Select Taxable if applicable and enter the Tax Rate (required) and Tax Type (optional).
9. Click Save and Add Another to enter additional line items, or click Save to go back to the invoice.
Saving an Invoice as a Draft
Make sure to click Save Invoice above the general details section of the invoice if you are not ready to submit it to client. Leaving the page without saving the invoice will discard all data entered.
Any saved invoices can be accessed later by going to the Invoices dashboard for that client in CounselGO and clicking on Draft Invoices.
Submitting an Invoice
Before submitting, consider the following:
- Make sure to review all entries, line items, and attachments for accuracy and consistency, including verifying that dates are correct and invoice amounts match any PDF attachments.
- If an invoice with attachments does not pass the file virus scan, the status will change to Invalid and you will receive an email notification indicating that files were flagged as malicious.
- If your client requires PDF attachments for invoices, you will receive an error message if a file with the PDF extension is not attached when trying to submit the invoice.
- Once submitted, invoices cannot be recalled or edited; please contact the client directly to request that they reject the invoice if any changes or adjustments are required.
If the invoice is ready to go, click Submit to Client in the top-right corner of the invoice.
For additional information on statuses invoices go through once submitted, click here.
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