NOTE: If your firm is new to CounselGO and needs first-time access, please contact your client directly for setup. Click here for more details on getting CounselGO access as a new vendor firm.
Any clients added to your environment appear on the default My Clients list.
If your firm is working with more than one SimpleLegal client and needs to have the client added to your CounselGO environment for invoicing, please contact the client directly and request that they add the firm as a vendor in their SimpleLegal account and create at least one CounselGO admin.
TIP: For firms already using CounselGO, we recommend that you provide the name and email address of your existing CounselGO Admin.
If the designated admin is already an admin under another SimpleLegal client, they will receive a notification that a new client has been added. No additional setup is required.
Any new clients added to the environment appear on the My Clients list as follows:
Other Users
Users must be added under each individual client by an admin in your CounselGO environment. If those users have access to more than one SimpleLegal client, the names will also appear in their client lists. Click on a name from the list to see or submit invoices, view referred matters, and complete other tasks.
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