NOTE: This article covers how to check for additional information about adjustments made to an invoice approved by a client. For information about reviewing rejected invoices with adjustments, click here.
To check for adjustments on approved invoices, log into CounselGO, select the client from the list, and go to the Approved/Paid tab from the invoices dashboard.
Any adjusted invoices are flagged with a red icon as shown in the image below. This applies if the amount was reduced as well as if the amount was increased by a SimpleLegal reviewer.
Click on the comment icon to see any additional information provided by the client, including the adjustment reason and other details (if applicable):
NOTE: The comment icon only appears from this view if the invoice total was adjusted.
The window that appears displays any additional information provided for the whole invoice. Click Close and then click on the invoice from the table to view its details page.
Invoice Details
The top section of the invoice details page displays information such as the approved amount, dates, and any comments or reasons entered by the reviewer (see image below). Review the table for more information about the fields on the invoice details page.
Billed Amount | Amount billed to the client is shown in the top-right corner. |
Invoice Adjustment | Amount subtracted/deducted from the invoice's total (i.e., adjustment to the Billed Amount). This is blank if the adjustments were only made to individual line items instead of the whole invoice. |
Line Item Adjustment | Sum of amount(s) subtracted/deducted from individual line items. This is blank if the adjustment was only made to the invoice total instead of individual line items. |
Approved Amount |
Amount calculated by subtracting the Invoice Adjustment and/or Line Item Adjustment from the Billed Amount. NOTE: If the adjustment was an increase, the Approved Amount reflects the amount added to the invoice total or line items. |
Invoice Date |
Billing start and end dates entered for the invoice (MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY). |
Currency | 3-character currency code used on the submitted invoice. |
Paid On | Date the invoice was paid by the client in MM/DD/YYYY format (if applicable). |
Subject | Description entered for the submitted invoice. |
Notes/Comments | Notes or comments entered by the CounselGO submitted before sending the invoice to the client (if applicable). |
Attachments |
Click on a hyperlinked file name to download any a file attached to the invoice by the CounselGO submitter (if applicable). |
Reason | Any comments entered by the reviewer in SimpleLegal about the adjusted invoice. If the invoice total was adjusted, this also lists the reason provided by the reviewer (if applicable). |
Adjusted Line Items
If adjustments were made to individual line items, the reason and description are displayed in a box under each adjusted line item as shown in the example below:
To hide/collapse the reason and description for a specific line item, click the - icon at the far left of the line item:
You can also hide/collapse the reasons/descriptions for all adjusted line items by clicking the - icon next to Adjustment Reasons above the list (see image below):
Clicking the + icon above the list will expand the reasons/descriptions for all adjusted line items.
NOTE: If you have additional questions about adjustments made to an invoice, please contact your client directly.
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