Timekeeper ID,Timekeeper First Name,Timekeeper Last Name,Classification,Rate,RackRate,Currency,Location,Practice Group,Bar Year (or years experience for paralegals),Race/Ethnicity,Veteran Status,Email,Gender,Effective Date,Reason for Request Unique ID; Required; Text Format,Required,Required,Optional - Check With Client,"Number Format, .00, no commas","Number Format, .00, no commas","3 character code (USD, CAD, etc)",Optional - Check With Client,Optional - Check With Client,Optional - Check With Client,Required only for US vendors,Required only for US vendors,Required only for US vendors,Required only for US vendors,Required (MM/DD/YYYY),Optional - Max 250 characters All required fields must be completed in order to submit your timekeepers successfully.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Please confirm with your client if any of the optional fields must also be completed as each client has different requirements.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Do not edit the headers.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Save file in .csv format.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Delete rows 2-7 before uploading your file. Row 2 and beyond is your timekeeper data.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,